BSNES SNES emulator SHADERS preview



libretro-bsnes 1:3167-1 (x86_64)

Architecture: x86_64. Repository: Extra. Description: Super Nintendo Entertainment System cores. Upstream URL:

Nintendo - SNES Famicom (bsnes Accuracy)

bsnes is a Super Nintendo emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It focuses on accuracy and clean code above all else. It never uses speed or ... Background · Features · Super GameBoy · Controllers

Nintendo - SNES Famicom (bsnes Balanced)

bsnes is a Super Nintendo emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It focuses on accuracy and clean code above all else. It never uses speed or ...

Nintendo - SNES Famicom (Beetle bsnes)

This is the official RetroArch documentation for users and developers. Information from sources outside of this website may be dated or incorrect.

Nintendo - SNES Famicom (bsnes Performance)

bsnes is a Super Nintendo emulator that began development on 2004-10-14. It focuses on accuracy and clean code above all else. It never uses speed or ...


bsnes is a multi-platform Super Nintendo (Super Famicom) emulator, originally developed by Near, which focuses on performance, features, and ease of use.

libretrobsnes: Super Nintendo (Super Famicom) emulator

bsnes is a multi-platform Super Nintendo (Super Famicom) emulator from byuu that focuses on performance, features, and ease of use. Development.


This package contains a libretro port of the BSNES emulator. It can be used by various frontends to load SNES ROMs. License: GPL-3.0

RetroArch - bsnes

評分 8/10 (25) The libretro cores for bsnes and bsnes hd beta, available now for RetroArch Steam!

Libretro bsnes HD

A fork of bsnes (great SNES emulator by byuu) that adds HD video features, such as true color, widescreen playing mode and others.


Architecture:x86_64.Repository:Extra.Description:SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystemcores.UpstreamURL:,bsnesisaSuperNintendoemulatorthatbegandevelopmenton2004-10-14.Itfocusesonaccuracyandcleancodeaboveallelse.Itneverusesspeedor ...Background·Features·SuperGameBoy·Controllers,bsnesisaSuperNintendoemulatorthatbegandevelopmenton2004-10-14.Itfocusesonaccurac...
